Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving family tradition

Every year for Thanksgiving me, my mom, and my aunts make tamales with my grandma the night before. She doesn't have a special recipe since we buy the dough called masa from a store. My grandma makes her special salsa though, which she says her mother taught her to make, a lot of people really like it. My grandma makes a chocolate like dish called mole with chicken to put in the tamales. She learned to make tamales with her mom when she lived in Mexico. My grandma usually always puts mole with chicken, beans and cheese, or cheese and chile in the tamales, but since I learned that I could add my own ingredients in the tamales I've been experimenting every year and my grandma calls it "American tamales." Two years ago I made tamales with pesto, spinach, and feta. This year I'm going to try to make chicken garlic afredo tamales. All my uncles laugh at my creations and say I must not be Mexican if I don't like them the way they are, but I just enjoy experimenting. We also always make tamales before Christmas, which makes it twice a year that we make tamales.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Immigration in an Age of Colonization

  1. Since 1986 the continuity of immigration has stayed the same in the United States.  The attitude towards immigration have changed since 1986 and it also shows in the laws and regulations of immigration.
  2. In the 2000 census, 10.4% of the population was foreign born.  From looking at the chart on page 410 the percentage of foreign born since 1900 to 2000 has had it's ups and downs.  1910 had the highest percentage of foreign born, whereas 1970 had the lowest at 4.7% foreign born.  The rate of foreign born was more steady and higher in 1820-1924 as shown on table 6.3 on page 125.
  3. In the 2000 census the largest numbers of immigrants came from Central America (34.5%) and a quarter from Asian (25.5%) The immigrants settlement patterns showed a heavy concentration in the western states."39.9% of the foreign born had settled in that region which was home to only 20.8% of native-born Americans." (Daniels, 411) Also, some regions had heavy immigration such as, south Florida, much of Texas, Chicago and Idaho.  Most immigrants lived in metropolitan regions.  25.8% of the immigrants during this time where college graduates. 44.9% foreign born Asians had bachelor's degrees.  13.3% of foreign borns in 2000 were below the poverty line.  (pg 413)
  4. The data on immigrants lumped together is so misleading because it is a generalization.  Daniels says, "Only when we are able to particularize and focus on individual groups, and on classes within those groups, is it possible to speak with any degree of precision."
  5. Daniels says the responsible historian must "try to balance, somehow, these extremes and arrive at a reasonable estimate of immigrant status and expectations." (pg 413)
  6. "Nonimmigrant" immigrants are also known as "temporary immigrants" they are persons who enter the United States on various kinds of visas that do not entitle them to apply for permanent resident status and which have expiration dates.  The number of "temporary immigrants" has quickly grown.  In 1965 there were two million and in 1998 thirty million were counted! In 1998 the "nonimmigrants" outnumbered immigrants from 10 to 1.  5.25 million of them came from Japan.
  7. The major portion of illegal immigrants were "visitors for business" students, "temporary employees" and parolees.  In 1988 there were 4.4 million visitors who came to the U.S. for business.
  8. The longstanding discrimination against Mexican as opposed to the Canadian border crossers because the rules are discriminatory.  Canadians are able to travel for business or pleasure without travel restrictions for six months without a visa.  Mexicans may apply for a border crossing card which only lets them stay for no more than 72 hours and only within 25 miles of the border.  Daniels mentions that there is little ever said about the discrimination against Mexicans as opposed to Canadians.  Personally, I think that Mexicans are more often portrayed as drug smugglers or gang members because of what is heard on the media and little negativity is ever heard or even heard about Canadians.
  9. The governments estimates of illegal immigrants is so unreliable because there are limitations on data.  The INS has evidence of lost or missing information.  Reminds me of a quote I once heard, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."
  10. In Daniel's opinion the vast majority of the 1.8% of the U.S. population that is undocumented are "hardworking, exploited toilers doing necessary jobs and not in any way a threat to the republic as some scaremongers would have us believe." (pg 422) I really personally enjoyed reading that quote because when I think of immigrants I think of the men and women who work behind the scenes at restaurants, hotels, farms, and etc. making money to take care of their families and provide for other family members back home.  This quote really stuck out to me and was very touching to read.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Alabama's HB56 Shows Racism Still Part Of State Culture

Alabama's HB56 Shows Racism Still Part Of State Culture
Keith Rushing | Oct 4, 2011 1:16 PM EDT

Last week, a federal court's decision allowed parts of a law to go into effect that essentially requires police to racially profile people while criminalizing undocumented migrants for being without immigration documents. The law and the decision upholding it shows that Alabama -- in passing the harshest anti-immigration law in the nation -- is still mired in its racist, segregationist past.
The message Alabama sent to brown people by passing this law -- especially those thought to be migrants -- is a simple one: Get out of Alabama. We don't want your kind here.
I found it interesting that this article is about a racist law that is taking place in Alabama, but it's not towards Black people, but towards "Brown" people implying the migrant Mexican workers.
In the 1950s and early 1960s, Alabama was a place of intense racial hatred. Montgomery, Ala., central to the Civil Rights Movement, is the city where, in 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested after sitting in the whites-only section of a city bus, leading to a massive and ultimately successful boycott of the city's public bus system. A year later, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned segregation on public buses nationwide finding that the Alabama law allowing seating according to skin color was unconstitutional.
A year later the U.S. Supreme Court overturns this unconstitutional law, yet they allow the current one to pass? It's a little confusing to me that this law was even let to pass.  Maybe the Supreme Court works slow, so by next year I might see an article about how unconstitutional this law is.
Despite that success, much of Alabama's white residents were determined to defend their segregated way of life through brutal violence.
In 1961, some 200 white men in Anniston, Ala attacked the Freedom Riders, a racially integrated group of activists on a bus trip through the South. The bus was firebombed and the activists were beaten with pipes and bats.
Alabama is also the state where four little black girls were killed in 1963 in the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
After years of people putting their lives on the line and going to jail and the help of federal civil rights legislation, Alabama ended legalized oppression of African Americans that barred them from voting, from attending better resourced all-white schools and from many jobs that had been reserved for whites.
But a cursory look at the state's history shows how Alabama was dragged kicking and screaming into accepting desegregation. It took enormous courage, self-sacrifice and the power of the federal government to force change. But by passing Alabama's harshest anti-immigration law, the state has shown that while Jim Crow laws may not exist anymore, the spirit of Jim Crow, which is defined by white supremacy, is alive and well.
Alabama's H.B. 56 requires police to investigate the immigration status of those pulled over for routine traffic stops, if they have a "reasonable suspicion" that a person is undocumented. It's obvious that police will make these judgments of who to investigate based on appearance, including skin color.
I found it humorous that they put "reasonable suspricion" into quotation.  This implies to me that a racist cop is going to find by any means a reason to pull over a Latino just because he is brown.  It's easier to see the immigration of Latin Americans because they look different from Whites and Blacks, but how about the immigration of the White people in Alabama? Are they trying to "whiten" the state? If they kick out all the immigrants, who will do their jobs? The last sentence explicitly shows how they are racial profiling by pulling people over based on appearance, ridiculous!
The law will also allow undocumented migrants to be held without bond; make it a felony for an undocumented migrant to do business with the state; make it a misdemeanor for an undocumented resident to be without immigration documents; and require elementary and secondary schools to check the immigration status of incoming students.
I think including the children into the law and excluding them out from attending school is horrible! Children at such a young age value school because of their friendships and the excitement of learning new things everyday and this law is clearly saying, "F*** the kids too!" Seriously.  It's horrible that many of these children are going to be in high danger, either left at home by themselves while their parents work or turning to crime, which will only validate law makers in Alabama's decision.  Who will these kids grow up to be in the next few years because of this decision? Are they going to find it harder to learn English and end up working migrant jobs like their parents? or will this law be overturned and the children will go back to school and achieve success in their future?
The enforcement of the nation's immigration law has primarily been a responsibility of the federal government. But by making it a state law to be without immigration papers, undocumented immigrants are subject to a whole range of new state laws and penalties.
By treating someone different based on skin color or appearance, this law, which violates the constitution in my view, institutionalizes inequality. It's clear that white Americans will be given a pass and people who are thought to be immigrants will be forced to prove they have the documentation to reside in the United States legally.
There may be European immigrants who reside in Alabama, but they won't be affected by this because they are "given a pass." This is beyond racist.  Who will Alabama target next? Will they go back to bashing Blacks? Who knows.  I still wonder who they plan on hiring to do migrant work for low wages if these Latino's are forced out.
 Since the majority of migrants come form Latin America, people who are brown-skinned, Latino, or thought to be Latino, will likely bear the brunt of this law.
By making it a felony for an undocumented migrant to do business with the state, which could mean applying for a driver's license or applying for a license to operate a business, Alabama will isolate and ghettoize people who came to the United States to pursue the American Dream and are simply trying to survive.
I find the writers choice of words interesting by using the word, "gettoize." I interpreted that he means the state is taking away from the American Dream and therefore with hardships of finding jobs that will accept immigrants and schools that will accept their children they will lack financial funds and therefore become ghettoized.  Many right now may be living in nice or somewhat nice housing and soon they will not even be able to afford rent.  I think many people will end up living with two or three families in one house just to pay rent and to have a support of people to take care of their children while they are not permitted in schools.  This law seems to only be making a mess, rather than a difference.
And by requiring that schools check the immigration status of students, many migrant parents will avoid sending their children to school out of fear that sending them to school will lead to arrest and deportation. The only reason that Alabama lawmakers would want undocumented migrants to keep their kids out of school is because they don't care about the children's welfare. In all honesty they could only back such laws if they simply want a group of people gone.
This hateful law has already had a horrible effect. Hundreds of children have already reportedly been absent from schools in some Alabama cities.
The anti-immigrant climate was already causing migrant workers to leave the state, the Christian Science Monitor reported last week.
Racism in the United States often increases during tough economic times and is reflected in scapegoating. That's what seems to have happened in Alabama. Passing H.B. 56 allowed lawmakers to claim that they're keeping undocumented migrants from taking jobs that should go to those born in the United States. However the Alabama Farmers Federation indicates that they have not been able to find legal residents to fill the agricultural jobs that must be filled.
The Obama administration is right to have filed an appeal of the federal court decision. And civil rights groups, including the ACLU and Southern Poverty Law Center have asked the federal court to block last week's decision form taking effect, pending their appeal.
Rights Working Group Executive Director Margaret Huang had it right last week when she said: "People of conscience across Alabama and the United States should send the message that the human rights of all people should be respected regardless of their race, nationality, ethnicity, religion or immigration status."
We must all speak out against this law.
This article was a good read and has given me a better perspective of what is going on in Alabama now.  I was startled by all the racist comments I came across in the comments sections.  I noticed that many people made the assumption that by all Latinos being targeted they were all Mexican, which is an incorrect assumption.  I aso seen that many people agreed that the law was a good idea and that all the immigrants need to get out and give jobs back to U.S. citizens, which I found to be meaningless because no American is going to want to work in harsh conditions for low pay no matter how poor they are.  I think it is important for more people to hear about this law and I am surprised that the news had not covered it.  Racism is still silent.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The New Asian Immigrants

  • Since WWII and the passage of the 1965 Immigration Act, Asian Americans have benefited most from all the changes than any other group.  Asian Americans were part of a general trend toward a more egalitarian society.  The first positive changed in the law occured in 1943 which shifted the attitudes toward Chinese allies.  Lastly, because they were model minorities their acceptance hastened, hence Blacks and Hispanics who didn't achieve as much as the Asian Americans did. (pg. 350)
  • Some characteristics that lead Asian Americans to becoming model minorities are: they were younger than the average American, had fewer children, were less likely to be unemployed or in jail, and more likely to get higher education than the average American.  These are characteristics I believe still hold truth today.  (pg. 351-352)
  • The silent Chinese of San Francisco was founded from data that showed conditions in San Francisco's inner-city Chinatown, which was far from model.  In Chinatown the unemployment rate was doubled that of the city average, 2/3 of the living quarters were substandard, and tuberculosis rates were six times that national average.  Still today Chinatown seems to be the same way.  It is a highly populated area, many Chinese immigrants reside there, and have their own businesses there.  When I go to Chinatown I always notice that many of the Asian population don't seem to give in to material things aside from seeing Gucci and LV bags.  I notice that many times grandmas are the caretakers of younger children and they hold them in cloth like carriers and I see that many of the people in Chinatown also hang dry their clothes.  (Just a quick thoughtABC stands for American-born Chinese.  These ABC's tend to be college educated, have middle-class occupations, and live in integrated or somewhat integrated housing outside of the inner-city Chinatown.  I noticed that in San Francisco today many Chinese Americans highly populate the Richmond District and Sunset District, while the other few live around Visitacion Valley and Bayview District.  This is just something I've seen from being in different districts of San Francisco, but I know that the Chinese American community is all around San Francisco and don't just reside in one area.  FOB stands for fresh-off-the-boat recent immigrants, hence many of them arrive on planes.  FOB's are recent immigrants who are poorly edecated and deficient in English.  This group tends to work in low paid service trades, such as laundromats, restaurants, and sweatshops.  When I worked at L&L Hawaiian BBQ in High School the owners were Chinese from Hawaiia, they didn't speak English too well, but hired many Chinese immigrants to work as cooks and paid them only $8 an hour, all of them worked from open to close as well.  (pg. 354-355)
  • Three distinct incriments of Filipino immigration are as followed from my understanding: shortly after the annexcation of the Phillipines in 1898 came groups of students, in the 1920s and early 1930s came farm workers who filled the same kind of jobs in Far Western agriculture, and after 1965 educated and upwardly mobile professional, and entrepreneurs Filipino immigrants came.  An interesting immigration fact about the increase of female immigrants is that in 1960 just 37% were female and by 1980 nearly 52% were female.  (pg. 356)
  • Filipinos dominate the nurse field and medican personnel fields.  Two-thirds of recent immigrants have been professionals most notably nurses and other medican personnel.  In the 1970s 50 nursing schools in the Phillipines graduated about 2,000 nurses annually.  Atleast 20% of those graduating nurses migrated to the United States where there was a shortage of trained nurses especially those willing to work long and uncomfortable hours that were being demanded by public hospitals, those hospitals provided these newly graduates immediate work.  An interesting though that Daniels brought up was that if all foreign medical personnel were to be removed, medical facilities would not be able to continue.  This question was helpful in giving me a new outlook and explanation on why I have always seen many Filipino nurses in hospitals.  (pg. 359)
  • The Koreans who came before the 1965 Immigration Act were almost all of the 800,000 contemporary Korean Americans were either from post-Korean War immigrants or their descendants.  In the 1930s there were fewer than 9,000 with about three quarters in Hawaii.  After the Korean War many Korean women came to the United States as war brides, almost all of them married to non-Asian-American servicemen.  Daniels mentions a unique aspect of early Korean immigrants to be traditionally Buddhist, which were recent converts to Christianity, usually Protestant Christianity.  (pg. 364-365) Other categories of Koreans were Peace Corps volunteers and other American citizens.  (pg. 366)
  • A commonality between Indian and Korean immigrants "Like the Asian Indians of Gadar, or various Irish American organizations harking back to the Fenian movement of the post-Civil War era, the Koreans were sometimes violent." (Daniels, 365)
  • Vietnamese immigrants differ from other recent Asian immigrants because many of them have been poorly equipped for life in urban society.  Vietnamese immigrats are mostly "push" immigrants rather than "pull" immigrants.  If they had not been refugees most of them would not have qualified for admission.  Vietnamese persons have no long history of immigration to the United States.  As war had become worse, more Vietnamese came to the United States.  In the 1980 census, 245,000 Vietnamese were post-1974 arrivals.  They do not resemble the model minority because they are the more traditional disadvantaged minority group.  They are young, not educated, and poor.  (pg. 368-369)
  • The total number of Vietnamese War refugees and their children by 1990 in the United States will exceed 1.25 million.  The nationalities included are: Vietnamese, Laotians, Hmong, and Cambodians. (pg. 368)
  • The following are accounts for the differences in the population growth between the Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Indian, Korean, and Vietnamese since 1965: The Chinese were beneficiaries of the general trend toward a more egilitarian society, the 1965 Immigration Act also benefited them, and they were model minorities.  In the years after 1952 there was a heavily female immigration of Japanese.  40,000 of them were female and the majority of them married non-Japanese soldiers and former soldiers.  The immigration of Japanese would have been more heavy if the doors would have opened after the war, but when the 1965 Immigration Act passed few Japanese wanted to emigrate.  The economic motive to emigrate was no longer urgent for most Japanese.  Japanese immigration slowed after 1960.  Whereas the Chinese population in the United States has increased every decade.  In 1960 just 37% were female Filipino immigrants, but the numbers greatly increased after 1980.  It was only until 1946 that Filipino's were aliens ineligible to citizenship.  In 1946 Filipino were made eligible for naturalization and the islands' quota was doubled to one hundred annually.  Filipinos were mostly nonquota immigrants.  In 1963 for example, 3,618 Filipino immigrants were recorded.  (pg. 358) Since 1965 Filipinos have been the largest or second largest nationality immigrating.  From looking at Table 14.2 on pg. 359 the Filipino immigration since 1960 has only been increasing.  In 1960 a total of 181,614 were in the United States and in 1990 there were 1,419,711 Filipinos in the United States.  The Asian Indians differ from the others because most of them came to the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, a few thousand of the 600,000 at then end of the 1980s post-World War II immigrants and the vast majority came since 1965.  From looking at the table on page 363 the Asian Indians immigration wasn't as high as the other populations.  In 1970 there were a total of 75,000 in the United States and in 1990 there were 815,447.  Significantly from 1948-1965 most of the Asian Indians entered the United States as nonquota immigrants.  During the 1960s most of the Korean immigrants were women.  The 1965 Immigration Act set off the same kinds of Korean immigration chains as have been seen upon for other groups.  The numbers from 1970 to 1990 are somewhat similar to the Asian Indians.  There were 69,150 Koreans in the United States in 1970 to 798,849 Koreans in 1990.  Lastly, in the 1950s Vietnamese came as students to the United States to escape communism.  In the 1970s there were a little under 10,000 Vietnamese immigrants in the United States.  The numbers of Vietnamese immigration become higher in 1975 when most war refugees began to come.
    An interesting video on The Immigration Act of 1965.
    "Traditionally immigrants have migrated to the major population centers where they join large established immigrant communities, but in recent years many smaller towns and less popular states have been transformed by immigration."
  • Touches on how cities have been changed by immigration and the large numbers of different persons of various cultural backgrounds settling in communities, specifically Nebraska.